Victoria lost a two year old toddler a few years ago, after she became entangled in a window blind cord and it’s a tragedy that could be avoided. For families who already have blinds or curtains installed, we recommend a safety check and a visit to the local hardware or curtain store to install the correct device if required. For families looking to install blinds, we advise buyers to make sure their supplier has the correct safety devices and does not leave any additional cord length.
ACCC Product Safety Australia provide these tips to inspecting your home,
Go through every room in your home and check for any blinds or curtains with long cords that are either loose or looped. Remember, this includes any cords that are within children’s reach at floor level or near furniture they can climb on.
Do not put children’s cots, beds, highchairs or playpens near a window where children can reach the blind or curtain cords. The cords can get around children’s necks and strangle them while they are playing or sleeping.
Do not place sofas, chairs, tables, shelves or bookcases near windows with corded blinds or curtains. Young children often like to climb onto furniture to look out the window. If they can reach the cords, they may quickly become entangled in them, lose their footing and suffer strangulation or serious injuries.
Make sure blind and curtain cords are not hanging anywhere within children’s reach. Loose cords can easily wrap around and strangle children who are jumping, playing or climbing nearby.
Always supervise children in any rooms with reachable blind or curtain cords. Accidental strangulation can happen very quickly, so never leave children alone in these rooms, even for a short while.
From 1 January 2015, a new national mandatory Standard applies to the installation of internal blinds, curtains and window fittings.
A small adhesive label (50mm x 40mm) with the installation company details is to be placed on or adjacent to a mounting bracket at the time of installation, in addition to a safety warning label on the chain. At the time of your internal blinds installation your installer will sign and date this label and install all safety clips. Your installer will ensure you are aware of the location of these labels and the safety clips.
If you require further information at all please do not hesitate to contact our customer service team, 13 25 46.
See ACCC Cord Safety Guide here.